A Bit 'o Random Musings on Politics, Religion, and Anything Else That Passes Through My Crazy Head

Monday, September 24, 2012


Today I got to look out over this:
Thomas Jefferson's beautiful Monticello on a gorgeous day!
You should be very very jealous.  I love Thomas Jefferson, and the Old Dominion.  Which is why I am taking a VAcation and touring history sites in Southern Virginia this week.  I'm sure I'll be back next Monday with insights into our modern day religious and political battles from studying the past centuries' conflicts and collaborations.  Maybe Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and the rest still have some wisdom to share.  I sure hope so, as politics seems so petty recently.

Wandering through the Woods at Monticello
I walked down from Monticello today through the forest, and it felt so peaceful and unencumbered.  Like I was whole, and life is good.  Sunlight filtered through the trees, birds called to each other, and bees danced lazily among the flowers.  IF I could write poetry, I would write it about moments like that.  I am a suburban girl, but I'm pretty sure that I would trade that all in to live in a broom cupboard at Monticello and ramble through the woods at will. In fact, during the behind the scenes tour, I spotted a few broom cupboards on the third floor which would just suit my fancy.

Old Growth Forest at Montpelier, home of James Madison

Honor Guard of pretty trees on the drive up to Ashlawn-Highland, home of James Monroe
Something about driving through the rolling hills of Virginia farm country has been restorative and enjoyable.  So far I've seen the homes of three Presidents, and enjoyed some truly spectacular autumnal weather.  Isn't "autumnal" one of the most beautiful words in the English language?

First one to comment gets a postcard :)


  1. I also love the word "autumnal." (And I love autumn!)

  2. You win a postcard...if you want one from a complete stranger! You can email me your address at mollymormondemocrat@gmail.com :)
