As an adult I have far less time for free reading than I would like, which makes me sad. But, I did finally start reading The Book Thief, which numerous people have recommended to me. I like the way it uses language in unexpected ways. Its narrator is Death, which is an interesting viewpoint. Reading a book like that makes me realize that while I enjoy writing, I don't have that gift of language that great writers seem to possess and hone into a beautiful craft. I love reading a book and being so enchanted or horrified or enthralled in the book world that the author has created that I have no idea of the passage of time. Tearing myself away from a good book is very hard. Books seem to steal the time away, like thieves in the night.
While this isn't maybe the best way to introduce the topic, I'm a big fan of public education. Public education created my love of reading and nourished it into a lifelong hobby. Tomorrow I'll talk a bit more about my views on public education, but for now, I think I'm going to force myself NOT to read the remaining half of The Book Thief tonight.
That's coming out as a movie sometime soon.