A Bit 'o Random Musings on Politics, Religion, and Anything Else That Passes Through My Crazy Head

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Re-Read

For some reason, I really love to re-read my favorite books rather than branching out and trying new ones.  Admittedly, this does mean that sometimes my favorite books get a little old.  I have probably read "Anne of Green Gables" at least ten times, and close to that for Pride and Prejudice.  There is something so comforting about sitting down with your favorite book or books.  I love re-reading Harry Potter, for example, because of all the fun quirky side stories and little beautiful details I forget about.  Re-reading a classic like Jane Eyre is fun because I love the writing and the story line is unconventional.
Girl Reading by a Waterfall by Maria Konstantinovna Bashkirtseva
The problem with re-reading, however, is that I miss out on so many other great books.  At the moment, I am in a "reading rut" and need some new material (having already re-read all of Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, and several other favorites within the past year).  So, dear reader, please suggest some reading material in the comments.  I need me some good reads!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, synchronicity FTW (I'm composing my NaBloPoMo today about Mormon literature)! I actually have the opposite problem of hating to re-read books :)

    Recommendations, though: The Scholar of Moab and/or A Short Stay in Hell (both by Steven Peck; I can send you a pdf of the latter novella if you like). I'll try to think of others when I'm not super tired.
